Benzoinated Lard

Today's abhorrence for animal products in cosmetics was not always held. There was a time when hog's lard was a very important ingredient in makeup and moisturizers -- and that said time included our period of interest, the Edwardian era.

The trouble with lard is it will go rancid fairly swiftly if it is not preserved in some manner. The secret to gaining this, used by the old timers? Tincture of Benzoin. "Mix a little of it with fat, and the latter will not become rancid."

Tincture of Benzoin is pretty easy to make, it being simply benzoin resin dissolved in alcohol. To benzoinate lard, place some lard in a double-boiler (to put it on direct flame is ill-advised, as it is likely to burn or boil over) and pour some tincture of benzoin over it. Let the mixture cook till all the alcohol has evaporated -- this can be judged when the cooking mixture no longer gives off the odor of alcohol. Let the resulting fat cool slightly before storing it in an airtight jar. It's that easy!


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