Victorian Era Cream and Powder Makeup

We take a break from our regularly scheduled updates on how sewing that Reform Dress is going, and talk instead about some unusual modern benefits of old time makeup!

So to begin our tale, check out this lovely Faces of Meth type photo of me featured below...

That's how I look after one of those lovely home microdermabrasions that I need in order to keep down my acne scarring to a reasonable level... the tradeoff is that for about 3 days my skin is a real mess while it heals. 

Heavy moisturizing is a way to speed the healing, and something like Vaseline or my Witch Hazel Cold Cream is what I like to use atop my scabbed up face to aid in that department. Trouble is, modern makeup doesn't go on very well over these things (and as you can see, I can't really go out makeupless: it's ghastly.)

To the rescue: Victorian style cream and powder makeup, where that layer of sticky oil actually becomes the base coat over which a layer of powder is applied.

Made up with powder.

Full toilette. Almost look human except for the scabs down the side of my face. 

This makeup look was achieved with Hourglass Veil Compact Powder Wet/Dry Formula in No. 1; cornstarch and carmine powder; alkanet lip balm; Bare Minerals powder eyeliner in Bark; Physicians Formula Eyebrightener in Classic Eyelight; and some kind of purple-brown color from L'Oreal the name of which I cannot seem to identify.


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